Liposuction or liposculture is an excellent way to shape the body. However, it should not be considered a weight loss procedure. These photos show how liposuction can enhance the contours and reduce size with no visible scars.
Patient 1
Case #3246 – Liposuction
This patient was concerned with loose, hanging skin on her lower abdomen as well as unwanted thickness around her waistline. She also had some laxity of abdominal muscles. Liposuction alone would only address some of the fullness, but would not tighten the skin or muscles.
Patient 2
Case #3252 – Liposuction
Although tummy tuck was an option for this patient, she preferred having liposuction alone around her entire waistline. Although there is some laxity in her abdominal skin she is much thinner as a result of her procedure.
Patient 3
Case #3258 – Liposuction
Liposuction is a very common procedure for men. This patient had removal of localized fat around his abdomen and ‘love handles’.