Liposuction or liposculpture is a procedure that shapes and contours the body by removing unwanted fat. There are many different liposuction techniques that Dr Platis uses, depending upon the needs of his patient. He will be able to discuss this with you in detail at your consultation. Liposuction can be performed on any area where there is excess fat.
Ideal Candidates for Liposculpture
Liposuction should not be considered a weight loss procedure. It is best used to contour specific body areas for patients who are at or near their ideal body weight. Patients who are a bit heavier can still have liposuction to bring their shape into better balance, but it is no substitute for weight loss through diet and exercise.
How It’s Done
There are many different liposuction techniques that Dr. Platis uses depending upon the needs of his patient. All of them include the use of tumescent solution which constricts blood vessels to minimize bruising, and provides local anesthesia for post operative comfort. Patients usually are asleep for this procedure, but in some cases sedation is sufficient. The suctioning is performed through tiny incisions placed in hidden areas like the buttock crease, umbilicus, or pubic hair. After surgery the patient is placed in a compressive garment to limit swelling and bruising which is worn for a minimum of two weeks.
Non-Surgical Procedures for Fat Removal
There are non-invasive or minimally invasive procedures such as “cool sculpt” which reduces fat gradually over many treatments by freezing the fat between two cold plates, or “fat melting” injections. Although these treatments can be effective, the amount of fat reduction is very limited and difficult to control precisely. Most patients are looking for a more significant reduction in size and shape so liposuction is still considered the gold standard
Recovery From Liposculpture
There is some instant gratification following surgery in that the shape is visibly improved, however swelling in the area will take a little time to improve. Patients go home on the day of surgery unless a particularly large volume of fat is removed, in which case patients are sometimes kept overnight for observation. The vast majority of patients return to their daily routines in a matter of days although Dr. Platis recommends avoiding strenuous activity for at least two weeks. Although improvement in shape is often visible immediately, final results will not be seen for several weeks when swelling has dissipated.